Nestled in the heart of Gaitania, Tolima, a region historically affected by war and the birthplace of Colombian coffee, Emmanuel, a coffee aficionado raised by a lineage of coffee wizards, resides. It all began back in 2006 when he decided to delve deeper into the coffee world. Learning the ropes of processes, quality, and varieties fueled his passion for crafting specialty coffees. But there was a catch – like many fellow farmers, Emmanuel faced a common challenge: the lack of a central processing hub for quality control. Fast forward to 2016, and he, along with his family, decided to take matters into their own hands. They set out to create a coffee processing center that would bridge the gap for over 15 villages in Gaitania, helping local coffee growers process their beans. And that's when we stepped in: We decided to help Emmanuel take this project to the next level, and thus, The Black Condor Project was born: - We've established a washing station to support farmers from Gaitania who have been affected by guerrilla war. - We ensure direct and fair payment, offering rates 18-20% above market rate, equating to $350,000 COP per carga. - Driven by quality, we consistently host workshops with our producers, covering processes, fermentation, drying, and cupping their own coffees. We eagerly invite roasters to travel here and be part of this project firsthand. - We foster internal competition among producers to promote and give visibility to their coffees and improvements. Today, the Black Condor Project has over 100 independent coffee producers on board and is a vital part of our purpose at Forest, creating real and tangible impact within our communities and their regional prosperity and economy.