Colombia is located right on the equatorial line, equidistant from the two ends of the American continent, which makes it possible to enjoy the sunlight almost every day for a long time.
The favorable tropical climate and the characteristics of the geography of the Andes area are just a couple of all the advantages that provide the Colombian soil with lots of nutrients. All these nutrients are required to harvest and produce the best coffees.
The most recognized Colombian coffee is mostly located in the departments of Quindío, Caldas, and Norte del Valle del Cauca, which is what a lot of people used to think. In fact, there are coffee crops all around in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in the departments of Santander, Nariño, Huila, Cauca, Tolima, Boyacá, Casanare, Cesar, Caquetá, and much more! We produce coffee in almost all of our mountainous territories. Amazing isn’t it?
All of these Colombian coffee zones reach more than 3.3 million hectares, each one of them are located in different latitudes and altitudes providing a special touch to the coffee beans, depending on where they are harvested. For example, the lower the altitude of the coffee plantation, the more earthly the coffee, with chocolate and nutty flavors, and the higher you go, the more frutal and floral the flavors are for traditional washed processing methods.
With high acidity, average body, global balanced impression, clean, soft cup and rich in nutrients, with a few very strong characteristic and oversweet aromas. The Coffee of the Cauca region is a silky drink, of upper intermediate acidity and average body
These characteristics are a result of a plantation that is exposed to the sun for more hours, a stable climate, presently most of the year, the protection of the mountains from de wind, and the humidity that comes from the pacific region.
The coffee from Huila encompasses soft-washed Arabica coffee, with a balanced overall impression, sweet notes, acidity and medium/high body, fragrance / intense aroma with fruity and caramel sensations.
The height is between 1.000 and 2.200 masl, highlights the least amount of hours of sun exposure (3.5 hours/day) due to cloudiness, and constant temperatures during the day, which enhance the accumulation of chemical compounds in the bean. The fertile valleys and snowy volcanoes generate the right nutrients so that in this region they can grow coffee throughout the year.
With a moderate and dry climate, and in addition to high solar exposure, this department is one of the leaders in coffee harvesting. Here, it is used as a technified system of cultivation under shade, uniform temperatures, and a constant harvest of the fruits with an optimal degree of maturity.
Nariño is a zone with a high content of organic matter in their soils, which makes Nariño’s coffee a synonym of quality. The height of its cultivation and the low temperatures make the plant conserve its sugars, obtaining a cup with high acidity, average body, sweet notes, and a soft and very pronounced aroma.
The coffee from this region is characterized by having a very clean and balanced cup, with a medium-high body, medium acidity, and chocolate similar notes. In their fragrance, you can perceive sweet and nutty notes.
Factors like a high luminosity and the lack of rain during the year make that the crops of this region are harvested in a very shadowy zone.
The coffee from Tolima is characterized by having a coffee with a cup profile with acidity and medium-high body, clean, soft, with balance and diverse flavors in the range of sweets, combined with citrus and fruit sensations.
As relevant attributes from this zone, we can highlight the distribution of rainfall throughout the year and their very sandy soils
Colombia’s 11 latitudes and 8 altitudes can create more than 500 variations. Our farm rests in several of those altitudes, giving coffee roasters a wide array of flavors and the possibility to develop their own unique blends, making the best specialty green coffees, ready to be connected from farmers that produced them with roasters around the world.
Now that you know the characteristics of coffee from different altitudes, check out all de variations that we produce from our different farms :
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