Flavors and colors project interviews with coffee growers

Flavors and colors project interviews with coffee growers - Forest Coffee
Brayan Estiven Arbear and his father Arnubio Arbear are coffee growers and promoters of the project "Flavors and Colors". They are the protagonists of this interview, where they explain what this beautiful project is all about.
Arnubio tells us that Brayan Estiven started in the coffee business at the age of thirteen, buying and selling coffee cherries. From this early age, he began to learn about cultivation and harvesting and later began to weave this project "Colors and Flavors", which has the purpose of taking coffee beans to another level of specialty and giving the product a superior value. In this way, the idea arises from the traditional understanding of coffee growers who work without achieving a real benefit for the work they do.
They also tell us that the project works with the connection of Brayan and Arnubio with coffee growers in the region, reaching more than 20 villages and acquiring 40% of the cherries produced in the area. From the work of connecting with different coffee producers, they have been able to benefit some 60 coffee growers, with the idea of supporting the purchase of the product of those who carry out a constant and judicious process with the coffee cherries and wish to be able to include more producers of specialty coffees.
It should also be mentioned that the "Colors and Flavors" project offers support to coffee producers in terms of the processing of cherries to gain excellence in the cup, giving added value to the product and providing benefits to the producers and their families.
This whole idea of the project was connected and carried out with Forest, where the process of collecting the best coffee cherries from the different villages was made known, to be able to group 100% of the producers of the municipality and to be able to process them with the knowledge of Forest.
They are grateful to be part of the Forest family and feel proud to belong to this company that welcomes them and recognizes the work of coffee growers in the region.
At the Rio Negro farm, coffee producer John Fredy Rodriguez, who inherited the coffee culture from his grandparents, cultivates coffee varieties such as Borbon rosado, castillo, f6, catimor and tabi. Their processes have been carried out in an empirical manner, however, later they began to adapt to the new laboratory techniques, where they carry out isolations to better understand what happens with the coffee beans.
John Fredy is one of the producers that has benefited from the project "Colors and Flavors". This project has facilitated the processes that they carry out and has given them the space to focus on the new techniques that they use. He sees a higher profit point, because the coffee is bought at a higher price and they feel proud to see that their products are going abroad, opening doors to sell to roasters and that the region is known abroad.
This project is carried out in the beneficiary "El Ancla" located in Fresno Tolima about 8 hours from San Adolfo Huila where a process of fermentation with fruit is carried out. If you wish to learn more about the topic of fermentation or buy their coffees enter their web page

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